On average, we apparently tend to cook five meals on rotation for ourselves and our families. At the end of a busy day it can often feel like another chore to try to produce a meal that doesn’t take all evening, is healthy, inexpensive and delicious. It’s easy for bad habits, poor ingredients and processed foods to slip into the weekly routine.
At Cotswold Gold we want to help to encourage people to cook from scratch, use quality ingredients and ultimately enjoy cooking for their friends and family. Meal planning is something that requires discipline and organisation and I think it’s fair to say is something we could all do better at. So this is where we would like to help!
We have teamed up with Dizzle Sky an innovative kitchen coaching and mentoring initiative to offer Cotswold Gold followers 20% off membership to their Kitchen Club which is a platform to help proficient home cooks get to the next level and cook more healthily.
Membership includes; meal plans and recipes for the whole family including separate children’s options and more adult menus. Monthly membership gives access to daily videos, live Q&As, professional kitchen know hows and a place to share your successes and failures. Ultimately if you’re lacking time and energy it offers support to feed your family well. It’s a safe space for you to come out of the lack-of-time-and-energy-rut and back on track to feeding your family healthily, with the knowledge you can cook well, eat well and live well!
To find out more about Dizzle Sky and the Kitchen Club visit www.dizzlesky.co.uk
Or follow on social; Instagram @dizzlesky Facebook @DizzleSkyFood Linkedin @AnnabelGonifas
To take advantage of the generous 20% membership discount visit the membership section of the Kitchen Club and use the code; COTSWOLDGOLD20
We would love to hear how you get on so please post your cooking successes on social tagging us @cotswoldgold
Click here to read Annabel’s blog – Top 5 Reasons Why I Cook with Rapeseed Oil