In January Cotswold Gold rapeseed oil frequents your TV screens on James Martin’s BBC Saturday Kitchen and also makes waves on BBC Radio 4’s Farming Today Programme.
We thought December was busy…..we never expected to come back to an even busier January!
Charlie Beldam from Cotswold Gold on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Farming Today’ programme.
On January 13th Charlie was interviewed for the much followed BBC 4 Farming Today programme. Reporter Beatrice Fenton visited the factory in Broadway to meet Charlie and discuss the growing and pressing of rapeseed oil for cooking. The angle of the programme was to talk to farmers who’ve cut out the middle man and are selling direct to customers – in Charlie’s case, direct to chefs, farm shops, delis and households across the UK. You can still hear the programme on BBC Radio Iplayer website or follow the link below;
On TV James Martin is still proving to be a loyal ambassador of Cotswold Gold rapeseed oil….
Being January there are fewer food shows for us to attend at the weekends so on occasion a leisurely Saturday morning is spent enjoying weekend cooking programmes. It delights us when we flick onto James Martin’s Saturday Kitchen to see vibrant Cotswold Gold oil being lavished into many dishes….last weekend saw Jun Tanaka and James Martin use Cotswold Gold in just about every element of their confit pork neck dish – brine, dressing and home-made mayonnaise for celeriac coleslaw. Delicious it looked too! You can still catch the episode on BBC Iplayer 24/01/16 from 56.15 minutes.
For the pork neck dish recipe click onto Jun Tanaka’s page here;
If you spot Cotswold Gold in the media – TV, Radio, Newspapers and Magazines – please let us know by sharing it on our Facebook or Twitter pages. We all enjoy receiving new recipe ideas to enjoy our favourite oil with!