Where has this year gone? It seems that it has gone by with a flash or in my case spent at food shows across the country.
It has been amazing what has happened this year and things that I never had expected and this is all thanks to people like you supporting us.
The food shows have been very busy this year and we have had some amazing top chefs using Cotswold Gold on stage and to name but a few, Martin Blunos, Raymond Blanc, Hugh F-W, Jamie Oliver, James Martin and Jean Christophe Novelli. Due to Raymond Blanc using it on his series on BBC2, Raymond Blancs Kitchen Secrets he has now started using it in his cooking school at le Manoir Aux Quatre Saisons.

Production has now moved on from when it all first started and Cotswold Gold is creeping ever closer to being carbon neutral and has become now a whopping 99% waste free. This is by recycling everything we have from the waste seed being used for cattle feed, cardboard boxes being shredded to be used as packing through to the use of waste oil being made in to fuel to run the delivery car. This has all helped to make Cotswold Gold a more friendly company for the environment.
It has been flat out for a few months with the lead up to Christmas and so there was no time to write a blog, but to fill you in Cotswold Gold was nominated as part of the future 50 companies to watch within the UK and was also selected as the judges top 10 as well. Other than the pride and PR that came with this award All the winners were taken to the red bull racing factory where they build the F1 car and also to be spoken to by a few of the top athletes that are looking to get gold next year at the Olympics. The other awards in the last few months was Best Food Producer in Gloucestershire betting some stiff opposition that have been around a lot longer than us. The judges said this was down to the hard work and determination that has gone in to the business and has already started to move and and help shape the market.
The new product launch of Cotswold Gold infused with White Truffle has really given a WOW factor to our product range. This product has the health benefits of the Rapeseed Oil whilst letting the flavour of the white truffles shine through. This is normally found in Olive Oil but i think the two products complement each other very well and is a must try. With some great PR in the main papers as well as some of the much loved magazines this has helped this product fly of the shelf. By bringing the online order aspect to the website this has made all our product range more readily available around the UK.

So looking to the start of 2012, there are already some exciting prospects for Cotswold Gold with two new products being brought out for the summer salad season which taste amazing and also opening up new business opportunities over in Japan and Barbados and watch this space for more..!
From Everyone at Cotswold Gold we would like to wish you a Very Happy Christmas and New Year and we look forward to moving Cotswold Gold forward with your help and support.